Hello dear friends! Now our summer playcourses are coming to an end and we hope to be able to hold them again next year. They went well and there was plenty of life and fun in the house this summer. Now it's time for our Hreyfiland courses to start again, or at the beginning of September, and you can buy the courses here! We look forward to continued cooperation with you this fall! Kind regards, Fjölskylduland´s staff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We would like to remind you that it is open every day from 10-18 at the Fjölskylduland playground, also on weekdays! Now is the last week of Hreyfiland courses for now. The next courses will start on May 9 and will last 8 weeks, see more details at hreyfiland.is There will be some summer courses for preschoolers available this summer. The pre-sale has started and you can confirm your place by paying ISK 5000. You can do it here hreyfiland.is. The course is 1 week, before or after noon, for ISK 24,900. The children must be out of diapers and bring a lunch. A fun program will be available during the course, crafts, games, time in the Gym and free play on the playground in Family Land. We encourage you to follow the schedule in the Familyland calendar. There is often a lot of fun going on there and you can see all the events there. See more here. With best regards, Fjölskylduland staff
Newsletter – Week of December 5 to 11!
Hello dear friends!
A lot has happened in Familyland in the last few weeks or since we opened.
We are e.g. in full preparation to organize themed days that are open at the Familyland playground.
Dinosaur Week was held November 21-26, and many things were done, such as making masks, digging up dinosaurs in the sandbox, cleaning them in the muddy tub and much more.

Did you miss our dinosaur week? Don’t worry we will have it again soon

Our Christmas themed week was held November 28 – December 4
There was, among other things, a Christmas market, Christmas water play and much more.

Next week’s theme will be:
Monday 12 Dec – Theme day – Christmas bauble. Let’s cut and paste and make Christmas bauble!
Wednesday 14 Dec – Theme day-Christmas water play! Christmas water play in our water tub!
Friday 16 Dec – Theme day – Craft day, made by hand from porcelain!
The family shop opened its operations on November 18. To begin with, it will be a small shop, but later it will become a small cafe.

The goal is to send out a weekly news release about the activities of Familyland
We look forward to seeing you in Familyland!