Qigong for the fall season, especially nourishing for the lungs and large intestine. Let us release the old and breathe in space, so we may rest peacefully during the winter season to come.
Beginners and advances practitioners are equally welcome.
3000 ISK drop-in (2.400 ISK for Fjölskylduland members)
9.600 ISK for this 4-class series (7.680 ISK for Fjölskylduland members)
The 20% discount is honoured even if registering for the remainder of the series after the classes have begun.
September 30 – October 21, 2023 (Saturdays): 15:00 -16:00
Enquiries and pre-registration to contact@marketafoley.com.
More info: https://www.marketafoley.com/classes/